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Single Jet Water Meter

WATER METER >>Water Meter >>Single Jet Water Meter

For measurement of high flows of cold potable water passing through the pipeline. Twatering or sprinkling done at your farm He best option to register water consumption if there is outside watering or sprinkling done at your farmThe meter should be constantly full of water during operationThe meter can be installed in horizontal, vertical or inclined position The meter should be constantly full of water during The meter should be constantly full of water during operation horizontal position with the register face upwards is recommended Pipeline must be flushed before installationPipeline must be flushed before installation
The meter must have 10 diameters straight pipe ahead of the meter and 5 diameters straight pipe after to
Insure proper flow through the meter
The meter should be constantly full of water during operation

Maximum Permissible Error:
In the lower zone from Qmin inclusive up to but excluding Qt is 5 ± %
In the lower zone from Qt inclusive up to but excluding Qmax is 2 ± %

